About Me

Hi, my name is Laura Glas. I am originally from Kalamazoo, MI. I currently teach 4th-grade math and science in Three Rivers, MI. Since I was in second grade at Cooper Elementary in Mrs. Kim Kessler's class, I knew I wanted to be a teacher. Throughout high school and college, I enjoyed working with children and watching them learn.
As a high school and college student, I spent the majority of my summers working at SON-Life Camp and Retreat Center. I did almost every job you can imagine, I was part of the counselor discipleship program (CDP) which is like a counselor in training, I was an assistant counselor, a senior counselor, a kitchen assistant, and program assistant. My favorite job of them all was being the program assistant where I helped to plan and implement our summer camp program. Camp showed me how to be an effective leader and how to be a servant leader. For me, it's not about the spotlight, but rather making the background work. I still volunteer at SON-Life Camp whenever possible.
I loved that school. As the years went by I became a respected part of the faculty and I helped students learn to love history. In my second year there, I won Middle School Teacher of the Year. I was surprised as we were about to walk into graduatio. My principal pulled me aside and said he needed to talk to me. I thought something had happened that day at school. Little did I know, even my parents were in on the surprise and had flown down to witness the moment. They told me they were there to see my cousin give his valedictorian speech (which was partially true). That award gave me the confidence that what I was doing was working. I stayed at Wake for a total of 5 years. During that time, I made the switch from teaching science to middle school technology integration. I worked with both staff and students to make sure they could use technology efficiently and in a way that benefitted their learning. I also began to lead training for staff in elementary, middle, and high schools in different technologies.
After two semesters in graduate school, I knew I needed to return to the classroom. I missed working with kids, the chaos, and the excitement of teaching. I started to look for teaching jobs. Thankfully, my job in the family business was secure and I could choose any job I wanted. After applying, interviewing, and receiving a few job offers. I chose to work in Three Rivers, MI teaching 4th-grade. The principal and staff that I interviewed with gave me a good feeling that Norton was the place I was meant to me. I am currently teaching 4th-grade and figuring out the ropes as I go, but I love every minute of it.
When I went to college I exclusively looked at schools with elementary education programs. After a brief moment of considering going to school in the Upper Pennisula of Michigan (I don't know what I was thinking) I decided to go to Hope College in Holland, Michigan. There I was on the cheer team which pushed my boundaries even more. I loved almost every minute of my degree program from being challenged to think differently in my social studies classes to being in an actual classroom with every education class.

Teaching 4th grade for the 1st time.
Last year cheering at Hope.
Just after being named 2015 Teacher of the Year.
In 2017, my grandfather passed away 2 weeks before I returned home for Christmas vacation. He always said he was counting down the days until I got home. This made me realize that I wanted to be home with my family. I spent the next year wrestling and praying about the decision to leave North Carolina. At the end of 2018, I began to consider getting my Master's degree. This, combined with my Dad wanting me to try the family business, gave me the opportunity to move back to Kalamazoo. I considered if I would be able to handle the workload of graduate school along with my teaching responsibilities and tutoring jobs. I chose to work in the family business for one year while earning my degree.

My whole family gathered for my Grandpa's 93rd birthday. Our last celebration together.
Returning to the classroom. My morning view.

Camp staff hike.
After graduating in 2012, teaching jobs in Michigan were sparse. I made the decision to apply out of state and received my first job in Rowland, NC. I taught 5th-grade science. Every day in that job was an extreme challenge. I taught in one of the poorest counties in NC and I taught in a very small school. The challenges I faced made me a stronger teacher. I moved to Raleigh, NC the next year and took a sixth-grade science and world history position at Wake Christian Academy.