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Future Learning Goals

The Never-Ending Learning

     It is strange to think about what my goals will be once I finish my Master of Arts in Educational Technology degree (MAET). My goal upon entering my program was to finish in 2020. As I continued, I focused on the present rather than the future. The three areas that I want to focus on upon completion all involve technology. My first area of focus is to become a leader in guiding other teachers on how to effectively integrate technology into their curriculum. Secondly, I want to continue to learn and grow by attending conferences such as conferences hosted by Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL), International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) or others. My third area of focus is to learn how to better use technology with my math students.

     My first area of focus of becoming a technology leader in my district in guiding other teachers on how to effectively integrate technology in their classrooms comes from previously having a previous position that asked me to do just that. I was woefully unprepared for that position but I did my best. Now that I am in a new district/ state I would like to once again become that leader. I plan for this to happen by making myself available for any district professional development (PD) using technology, joining the district technology committee, offering help within my school family with technology and staying involved with different professional learning networks. To help me with my goal one resource that I will use is my professional learning network. Over the years I have begun to follow and read blogs, search specific hashtags on twitters, and articles as well as meet amazing educators. I plan on continuing to follow these sources to stay on top of the current information and ideas. I have already started to lay the groundwork in my school by offering technology ideas and showing my principal I am interested in technology.


     My other area of focus of continuing to learn about technology goes along with my first focus. In order to become a leader, I need to expand my knowledge. I plan on doing this by attending conferences such as ones hosted by MACUL or ISTE. I have found that conferences are wonderful chances to not only learn from presenters, but also connect with other teachers with similar goals and circumstances to you. To help achieve the goal of attending these conferences I will check websites regularly for the latest information on when conferences are occurring and where so that I can plan accordingly. Technology is a wonderful thing, but it is always changing and to help others and keep abreast of what is happening.  


     My final goal comes from teaching math for the first time. I have a fairly scripted curriculum and not a ton of wiggle room to use technology. I would like to make better use of my limited time using technology. I have access to a few programs that allow the students to solve problems or watch lessons when correct they are given games to play. While these are helpfully in building math skills my students get tired of them easily and are not building any technology skills. To help myself use these opportunities more effectively I plan to ask my students what they would like to do with technology. I will also focus on one standard/learning objective per topic to plan a lesson that uses technology to extend learning not merely reinforce it. For example, creating a lesson focusing on adding fractions not trying to focus on including fractions as a whole. By narrowing my focus to a small bit I should be able to spend my time creating a more effective lesson rather than trying to use technology every day. I will need to remember and implement TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) in order to use technology in the most effective way.












     My three goals and focus areas all involve the theme of technology. Yet each is also distinct from focusing on me a leader, a learner, and focusing on my students as learners. Technology is ever-changing and if I want to make a difference in what my fellow teachers are teaching and my students are learning in regards to technology I myself need to make it a priority to continue my learning. Making sure that as I learn new information I am also sharing it with those around me. I cannot ask my students to learn from me if I am not learning as well.


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Image belongs to MACUL


Image belongs to ISTE

©2020 by Laura Glas. Proudly created with

All pictures are used with permission and belong to me unless stated otherwise.

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