In this time of craziness, I am trying to make my time meaningful. Since I am stuck at home until at least April 30 at this point and we have gone digital for the rest of the school.
What am I doing you ask. All the PD. All of those programs that I thought I might like to be certified in I am doing as many as possible. My favorite free PD that I have done and just recently redid is the Google Teacher Certification.
It's free! That's right PD for free. I recommend this training to anyone who is at a school that uses G suite for Education. This certification has two main levels (they have more if you are interested). At the end of each level you can pay to take a test $10 or $25 to be officially google certified. If you don't take the test you can't say you are google certified.
Level one is a basic introduction to all things google. Even if you think you have mastered the basics I suggest you go through level one. Level one is where I discovered Google Keep. Which helps to keep my head on straight during the week.

Level two is more advanced and teaches you how to integrate technology (using google products) into your classroom to give students a better education. I would say that level two would be very helpful for any educators who are now embarking on distance learning. Level two is what really pushed me to be better at technology.
The great thing about these trainings is that they are free, you work at your own pace and you can go back and review them at any time.
Go check out the trainings it can't hurt you and you might even learn something new.
What PDs are you doing?