Like most teachers I think I go through about a million pencils a year. It doesn't seem to matter what I do. Whether I refill constantly, mark with special tape, or have kids turn in shoes I go through all the pencils ✏️ . I have taught at private schools and low income schools in both places kids are kids and will lose pencils.

About three years ago I gave up fighting the pencil battle. Instead of constantly buying and refilling a jar or marking my pencils with tape I just stopped. When a kid directly asks for a pencil or eraser I give them one. No hassle, no stress (unless I handed them a new pencil in the last 5 mins). I keep a jar full of floor pencils for the kids to access whenever they need a new one. Floor pencils are pencils I find on the floor after class. And I find a lot of floor pencils. Yesterday, after school I had some kids help me and we collected 16 pencils off the floor. Into the jar they went.
Now I know what you are thinking. "They should be prepared" or "You are not teaching them organization". You are right on the they should be prepared note, but guess what I worked for one year in an office environment and do you know how many people would show up without paper or a writing utensil. So many people! Every time they were given a paper and pen to write with. Why? Because it saved time and made sure no one was embarrassed. Now the second point, I can teach them organization through other avenues like desks. Do you know how easy it is to lose a pencil when moving classes? It's super easy especially when you are a fourth-grader.
I do give the kiddos 5 new pencils at the beginning of each semester. Honestly, ending the pencil battle gives me one less stressful thing to worry about.
How about you? How do you manage pencils in the classroom?